For Alumni

For Lincoln College Alumni


We know that this crisis has effected many of our Lincoln College Family and Community. Please know that we are here to support and help you throughout these tough times.


At the Career Service Center, we are committed to providing:


1- Up-to-date job information to help you and your family if you need employment

2- Resume and cover letter template

3- Job interview preparation

4- Personal service to work with you, one-on-one


Looking to change careers or have you been laid off and are looking for work?

MySkills MyFuture

MySkills MyFuture is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor and can help decide which career is best for you! Click on the link to the right to get started!


Get Started


COVID-19 Contact Tracing

The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across the country, requiring thousands of people to learn key skills quickly. Click on the image for more details.


Get Started



CONSTRUCT Infastructure Program

CONSTRUCT is an 11-week virtual training program offering up the information and guidance needed to compete for good-paying, entry level jobs in the utilities and construction-related fields.  


Get St arted